With funding from USAID, Winrock International is implementing the USAID Supporting Victims of Violence (SVOV) Activity in Jamaica along with “backbone” partners RISE Life Management Services and Eve for Life. Through this four-year activity, the implementing team will seek to strengthen government and community-based organizations’ efforts to support victims of interpersonal and collective violence in hot spot communities.
The USAID SVOV Activity approaches are community-led and survivor-informed. The SVOV activity will target ten communities across Jamaica and focus primarily on persons between 10-29 years of age.
RISE Life will be implementing the following activities in the Grange Hill, Kencot, Palmer’s Cross, Rennock Lodge and Tower Hill communities:
- Violence awareness and prevention education
- Capacity Building Training for Community-Based Organizations and Faith-Based Ogranizations
- Stimulating Young Minds to Become Achievers (SYMBA) After-School Program – An after-school educational enrichment and counseling program for children
- Residential summer camp for children in the after-school program
- Youth Leadership Training and Development
- Training and support for youth leaving correctional facilities.